We advise and assist organizations in carrying out assets inventory and electronic verification using our Laser Barcode Scanner. This involves identification of all assets of the organization taking into cognizance, its location, quantity, quality, year of purchase, codifying and computerized indexing of assets.

We consistently reconcile the physical fixed assets with the existing asset register, this enable us to know what is on ground physically that is not missing in the asset register and what is in the asset register that is not physically found on ground and produce a consolidated fixed assets register for your organization to ensure proper planning by the management.

The process will assist the organization in the following ways:

  • Identifies owned assets quickly and easily with visual inspection
  • Tracks serial or model numbers efficiently with Barcode stickers
  • Tracks high value  movable equipment such as laptop &PDA
  • Increases security with regular tracking and monitoring
  • Reduces theft with visual identification of assets with security labels
  • Monitors asset movement between locations
  • Enhances efficiency in asset management.
  • Compliant  with insurance or government regulations
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